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senior scientist, R&D gigaHedron

Towards a geometric interpretation of generalized fractional integrals – Erdelyi-Kober type integrals on R^N as an example

author: R. Herrmann


A family of generalized Erdelyi-Kober type fractional integrals is interpreted geometrically as a distortion of the rotationally invariant integral kernel of the Riesz fractional integral in terms of generalized Cassini ovaloids on R^N . Based on this geometric view, several extensions are discussed.

download: arXiv: arXiv:1401.6051
reference: Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. (2014) 17(2) 361-370

On the origin of space

author: R. Herrmann


Within the framework of fractional calculus with variable order the evolution of space in the adiabatic limit is investigated. Based on the Caputo definition of a fractional derivative using the fractional quantum harmonic oscillator a model is presented, which describes space generation as a dynamic process, where the dimension $d$ of space evolves smoothly with time in the range 0 <= d(t) <=3, where the lower and upper boundaries of dimension are derived from first principles. It is demonstrated, that a minimum threshold for the space dimension is necessary to establish an interaction with external probe particles. A possible application in cosmology is suggested.

download: arXiv: arXiv:1308.4587
reference: Cent. Eur. J. Phys. (2013) 11(10) 1212-1220

Folded potentials in cluster physics – a comparison of Yukawa and Coulomb potentials with Riesz fractional integrals

R. Herrmann


In cluster physics a single particle potential to determine the microscopic part of the total energy of a collective configuration is necessary to calculate the shell- and pairing effects. In this paper we investigate the properties of the Riesz fractional integrals and compare their properties with the standard Coulomb and Yukawa potentials commonly used. It is demonstrated, that Riesz potentials may serve as a promising extension of standard potentials and may be reckoned as a smooth transition from Coulomb to Yukawa like potentials, depending of the fractional parameter $\alpha$. For the macroscopic part of the total energy the Riesz potentials treat the Coulomb-, symmetry- and pairing-contributions from a generalized point of view, since they turn out to be similar realizations of the same fractional integral at distinct $\alpha$ values.

download: arXiv: arXiv:1305.0890
reference: J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. (2013) 46(40) 405203

Properties of a fractional derivative Schroedinger type wave equation and a new interpretation of the charmonium spectrum


author: R. Herrmann

Based on the Caputo fractional derivative the classical, non relativistic Hamiltonian is quantized leading to a fractional Schroedinger type wave equation. The free particle solutions are localized in space. Solutions for the infinite well potential and the radial symmetric ground state solution are presented. It is shown, that the behaviour of these functions may be reproduced with a ordinary Schroeodinger equation with an additional potential, which is of the form V ~ x for $\alpha<1$, corresponding to the confinement potential, introduced phenomenologically to the standard models for non relativistic interpretation of quarkonium-spectra. The ordinary Schroedinger equation is triple factorized and yields a fractional wave equation with internal SU(3) symmetry. The twofold iterated version of this wave equation shows a direct analogy to the fractional Schroedinger equation derived. The angular momentum eigenvalues are calculated algebraically. The resulting mass formula is applied to the charmonium spectrum and reproduces the experimental masses with an accuracy better than 0.1%. Extending the standard charmonium spectrum, three additional particles are predicted and associated with $\Sigma_c^0(2455)$ and Y(4260) observed recently and one X(4965), not yet observed. The root mean square radius for $\Sigma_c^0(2455)$ is calculated to be ~0.3[fm]. The derived results indicate, that a fractional wave equation may be an appropriate tool for a description of quark-like particles.

download: arXiv:math-ph/0510099v4

Continuous differential operators and a new interpretation of the charmonium spectrum

R. Herrmann
The definition of the standard differential operator is extended from integer steps to arbitrary stepsize. The classical, nonrelativistic Hamiltonian is quantized, using these new continuous operators. The resulting Schroedinger type equation generates free particle solutions, which are confined in space. The angular momentum eigenvalues are calculated algebraically. It is shown, that the charmonium spectrum may be classified by the derived angular momentum eigenvalues for stepsize=2/3.

Collective spin from the linearization of the Schrödinger equation in multidimensional Riemannian spaces used in collective nuclear models

authors: R. Herrmann, G. Plunien, M. Greiner, W. Scheid

The free Schrödinger equation in Riemannian collective spaces with an arbitrary number of dimensions is linearized. The coupling of external fields is discussed. The operators to classify collective spin states are introduced and the collective Pauli equation is derived.

reference:International Journal of Modern Physics A, Volume 4, Issue 18, pp. 4961-4975 (1989).