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senior scientist, R&D gigaHedron

Covariance in Fractional Calculus

author: R. Herrmann


Based on the requirement of covariance, we propose a new approach for generalizing fractional calculus in multi-dimensional space. As a first application we calculate an approximation for the ground state energy of the fractional 2-dimensional harmonic oscillator using the Ritz variational principle.



Combining arbitrary order global Padé approximation of the Mittag-Leffler function with its addition formula for a significant accuracy boost

author: R. Herrmann


The combination of the global Padé approximation of the Mittag-Leffler function with its addition formula for the case α<1 yields significantly higher accuracy results for a given arbitrary order n. We present a solution in terms of a Mathematica notebook to determine the general structure of the system of linear equations to be solved, followed by an implementation as a C++ program using the Eigen template library for linear algebra. For a comparison with contour integral solutions we present an implementation as a C++ program using the boost library’s quadrature package employing the Gauss-Kronrod-method.



Fractional calculus within the optical model used in nuclear and particle physics

author: R. Herrmann


The optical model is a fundamental tool to describe scattering processes in nuclear physics. The basic input is an optical model potential, which describes the refraction and absorption processes more or less schematically.

Of special interest is the form of the absorption potential. With increasing energy of the incident projectile, a derivation of this potential must take into account energy dependent transition from imaginary surface to volume terms.

We discuss the deficiencies of the classical approach and propose an alternative method based on concepts developed within the framework of fractional calculus, which allows to describe a smooth transition from surface to volume absorption in a natural way.


accepted manuscript: J. Phys. G:

Fractional Calculus – An Introduction for Physicists – 3rd revised and extended Edition

From the cover:
The book presents a concise introduction to the basic methods and strategies in fractional calculus which enables the reader to catch up with the state-of-the-art in this field and to participate and contribute in the development of this exciting research area.
This book is devoted to the application of fractional calculus on physical problems. The fractional concept is applied to subjects in classical mechanics, image processing, folded potentials in cluster physics, infrared spectroscopy, group theory, quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, hadron spectroscopy up to quantum field theory and will surprise the reader with new intriguing insights.
This new, extended edition includes additional chapters about numerical solution of the fractional Schrödinger equation, self-similarity and the geometric interpretation of non-isotropic fractional differential operators. Motivated by the positive response, new exercises with elaborated solutions are added, which significantly support a deeper understanding of the general aspects of the theory.
Besides students as well as researchers in this field, this book will also be useful as a supporting medium for teachers teaching courses devoted to this subject.

Fractional Calculus – An Introduction for Physicists (3rd revised and extended Edition)
by Richard Herrmann, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 
September 2018, 636 pp, 6 x 9 in.
ISBN: 978-981-3274-57-0
Order information at World Scientific Publ.:

additional material:
Front matter (Contents etc.) ,
Chapter 1 (Introduction) ,
Bibliography and Index


buy online:,,,,,,,,  Barnes & NobleBAM!(USA), Blackwell’s(UK), booktopia(AU), fishpond(AU),  powell’s(USA), ….


” …Richard Herrmann’s third edition of his book is designed to carefully and coherently introduce fractional calculus to physicists, by applying the ideas to two distinct applications: classical problems and multi-particle quantum problems.
… Dr. Herrmann’s book is an excellent introduction to this field of study.

A.Resnick ,
Cleveland State University,
For full details on this review:  Contemporary Physics (2019)

Solutions of the fractional Schrödinger equation via diagonalization – A plea for the harmonic oscillator basis part 1: the one dimensional case

author: R. Herrmann


A covariant non-local extention if the stationary Schr\”odinger equation is presented and it’s solution in terms of Heisenbergs’s matrix quantum mechanics is proposed. For the special case of the Riesz fractional derivative, the calculation of corresponding matrix elements for the non-local kinetic energy term is performed fully analytically in the harmonic oscillator basis and leads to a new interpretation of non local operators in terms of generalized Glauber states.
As a first application, for the fractional harmonic oscillator the potential energy matrix elements are calculated and the and the corresponding Schr\”odinger equation is diagonalized. For the special case of invariance of the non-local wave equation under Fourier-transforms a new symmetry is deduced, which may be interpreted as an extension of the standard parity-symmetry.


Fractional Cassini Coordinates

author: R. Herrmann


Introducing a set {α_i}R of fractional exponential powers of focal distances an extension of symmetric Cassini-coordinates on the plane to the asymmetric case is proposed which leads to a new set of fractional generalized Cassini-coordinate systems. Orthogonality and classical limiting cases are derived. An extension to cylindrically symmetric systems in is investigated. The resulting asymmetric coordinate systems are well suited to solve corresponding two- and three center problems in physics.

reference: arXiv:1802.08142

Generalization of the fractional Poisson distribution

author: R. Herrmann

A generalization of the Poisson distribution based on the generalized Mittag-Leffler function Eα,β(λ) is proposed and the raw moments are calculated algebraically in terms of Bell polynomials. It is demonstrated, that the proposed distribution function contains the standard fractional Poisson distribution as a subset. A possible interpretation of the additional parameter β is suggested.

reference: Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. (2016) 19(4) 832-842

Reflection symmetric Erdelyi-Kober type operators – a quasi-particle interpretation

author: R. Herrmann

Reflection symmetric Erdelyi-Kober type fractional integral operators are used to construct fractional quasi-particle generators. The eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of these operators are given analytically.
A set of fractional creation- and annihilation-operators is defined and the properties of the corresponding free Hamiltonian are investigated. Analogue to the classical approach for interacting multi-particle systems the results are interpreted as a fractional quantum model for a description of residual interactions of pairing type.

reference: Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. (2014) 17(4) 1215-1228

A fractal approach to the dark silicon problem: a comparison of 3D computer architectures — standard slices versus fractal Menger sponge geometry

R. Herrmann
The dark silicon problem, which limits the power-growth of future computer generations, is interpreted as a heat energy transport problem when increasing the energy emitting surface area within a given volume. A comparison of two 3D-configuration models, namely a standard slicing and a fractal surface generation within the Menger sponge geometry is presented. It is shown, that for iteration orders n>3 the fractal model shows increasingly better thermal behavior. As a consequence cooling problems may be minimized by using a fractal architecture.
Therefore the Menger sponge geometry is a good example for fractal architectures applicable not only in computer science, but also e.g. in chemistry when building chemical reactors, optimizing catalytic processes or in sensor construction technology building highly effective sensors for toxic gases or water analysis.

download: arXiv: arXiv:1404.1891[cs.ET]
reference: Chaos Solitons Fractals (2015) 70,  38-41

Fractional Calculus – An Introduction for Physicists – 2nd revised and extended Edition


From the cover: 
The book presents a concise introduction to the basic methods and strategies in fractional calculus and enables the reader to catch up with the state of the art in this field as well as to participate and contribute in the development of this exciting research area.
The contents are devoted to the application of fractional calculus to physical problems. The fractional concept is applied to subjects in classical mechanics, group theory, quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, hadron spectroscopy and quantum field theory and it will surprise the reader with new intriguing insights.
This new, extended edition now also covers additional chapters about image processing, folded potentials in cluster physics, infrared spectroscopy and local aspects of fractional calculus. A new feature is exercises with elaborated solutions, which significantly supports a deeper understanding of general aspects of the theory. As a result, this book should also be useful as a supporting medium for teachers and courses devoted to this subject.

Fractional Calculus – An Introduction for Physicists (2nd revised and extended Edition)
by Richard Herrmann,
World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 
March 2014, 500 pp, 6 x 9 in.
ISBN: 978-9814551076
Order information at World Scientific Publ.:

additional material:  Front matter (Contents etc.) , Chapter 1 (Introduction) , Index
amazon look inside

buy online:,,,,,,,,  Barnes & NobleBAM!(USA), Blackwell’s(UK), booktopia(AU), fishpond(AU),  powell’s(USA), ….


” …a popular book on fractional calculus, which has proven useful to many new researchers in the field. …A very welcome new feature in the  second edition is the inclusion of exercises at the end of every chapter, with  detailed solutions in the back of the book. This book is specifically aimed at physicists, although many of my colleagues outside physics have also found it useful. …The book takes a practical approach, which will be especially appealing to those accustomed to thinking about modeling in terms of differential equations and transforms.” 

M. M. Meerschaert, Statistics and Probability Dept. ,
Michigan State University,

 ” …I was pleasantly surprised not only by the amount of material the author masterly presents, but also by the timely inclusion of historical remarks that frame the discussions within aspects that the reader is familiar with…
Richard Herrmann’s
Fractional Calculus is a highly recommended book…

J. Rogel-Salazar, School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics,
University of Hertfordshire,
For full details on this review:  Contemporary Physics,  (2015) 56(2) 240

“… A valuable addition to the second edition is the exercises-solutions section. … The significant change in size between the two editions within a short period indicates the importance of fractional calculus. … The reviewer strongly recommends this book for beginners as well as specialists in the fields of physics, mathematics and complex adaptive systems.” 

E. Ahmed, Zentralblatt MATH
For full details on this review: Zentralblatt MATH (2014), Zbl 06293341